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Well, there are some good things and some, shall we say, suboptimal things about being a Final Fantasy game. The good:

1. Fantastic finales. Of the world-wrecking kind.
2. The popcorn factor. Kick back and soak up those cut-scenes!
3. MOOGLE MADNESS. Enough said.
4. Surprisingly literate, subtle, and historically-informed scripts, which borrow elements from sci-fi, romance, thriller, tragedy, literature, film, TV.
5. Cohesive game-world. People underestimate this one. Music, visuals, dialogue, gameplay all fit like a glove.

The suboptimal:

1. Protagonists who are generally 16-year-olds with Massively Oversized Sword issues.
2. Not enough - or credible - female characters.
3. Turn-based battles have had their day. It's time to move on to ATB.
4. Problematic identity-politics (inability to deal with race, gender, sexuality, and many other aspects of human identity). Instead of which we get sappy romances which stop being interesting when you graduate from college.
5. The lengthy wait for the next FF to come out.

FF10 made lots of progress on issues 1 and 2, while FF12 represents a true revolution in areas 2, 3 and 4. Issue 5 will, alas, probably always be with us.