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For anyone willing to listen it was extasy that she credits for ruining her life though she's sniffed cocaine, smoked crack, the list goes on. If you were to just look at her you wouldn't think she was ever that into drugs, no rotten teeth nothing like that. She's actually quite beautiful. It's not just what you see but what you can't see, at least right away.

The thing you gotta remember is that these things affect your brain, their mind altering properties are what gives you that "high". Essentially all drugs that produce this "high" are actually a poison. The stronger the poison and the higher the dose the more harmful it is to your brain. Your brain is an organ just like any other and drugs affect your brain in the same way alcohol affects your liver except your liver can actually regenerate itself much better than your brain can.

Without telling anyones life story here, taking these drugs can also put you in a very vulnerable position, especially if you're a girl. They not only effect you directly but indirectly as well. Enough said on that subject but what used to be this happy, sweet, wonderful, well adjusted little girl is now depressed and suicidal, gets severe anxiety etc. I spent a lot of time with this girl and i won't claim that all her mental issues have been causes by drugs but they are definitely a big piece to this puzzle.

Final note on this subject is that once these things get a hold of you they don't like to let go. Even when you finally acknowledge how it's effected your life so negatively it's a tough habit to break. The new thing these days are prescription drugs. She was misusing her meds when i met her and i got her out of that habit. Only problem is when you stop taking drugs strictly for that "high" your life finally catches up with you, y'kno that thing you were trying to escape from, and when it does it's not pretty. Again i'm not going to say every detail here but the thing that promises to make life so much better actually makes it much worse than you ever imagined it could be before and when you finally realize this it might be too late. You already hurt the ones that loved you the most and when they say "it's either me or what you're doing" you have no choice but to continue to make the wrong desicions.

"What have i done.? Is it too late to save me from this place? From the depths of the grave? We all are those .. who thought we were brave."