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darthdevidem said:

yup n now 2 of them have made 2 "underwhelming" (sales for BD, reviews for Lost Oddesey) RPG's

give some credit to the team as well

we still have tetsuya Nomura

I would hardly call a 36/40 a bad score for LO considering games like crisis core which many people loved got 35/40. Famitsu is hardly a accurate reviewer


And if you want to talk bad sales compare BD with HS lair folklore and any other major title for PS has outsold have NOT outsold  BD

which are  flops now considering they had a much higher budget then BD ever did.


                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.