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Siko1989 said:
jneul said:
Siko1989 said:
my life time prediction
DS 400 Million........................ Nah not really 200 million
Wii 150 million
ps3 57 million
360 50 Million
PSP 60 million

i might of been overconfident with my prediction lol

DS 400 Million?? you must love nintendo lol, just joking i think PS3 and PSP will do alot better than what you think

well i was over segurating with my predictions lol

i will fix that

ps3 76 million and the 360 55 million lol.. obviously my signiture of my 2010 predictions seems much better though lol

yeah I know you was joking I just had to point it out hehe.

my prediction for this year:

PS3 will sell 14m taking it to 45.83m (it may do even more damage hehe)

X360 will sell around 10m taking it to 47.28m

Wii will sell loads as usual lol taking it to around 85m

it's the future of handheld


The official Vita thread