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BHR-3 said:



     Im a guy how hypes up things ps3 related i even hyped up U2 saying it would sell alot before 2009 ended, but im also a guy who is honest and respectful and will call out things that i feel need to be called out on. Before U2 came out there was all these reviews saying 10/10 and 21/20 also saying that the SP part of the the game was one of the best in the last decade or century.  Now none of that would bother me unless it was over done i believe it was over done for this game. I just finished the campaign a few weeks ago sorry im late but i played the SP on Christmas morning but had the game since Nov been playing the MP till Christmas came.  I will give reasons why i think Uncharted DF had a better SP than AT keep in mind that my 1st play through was on Hard and that Iam a sony only fan.

Reasons why I think Uncharted2 campaign wasn't as good as the 1st game and is not the best SP game ever at least for me it isn't

Spoiler Alert

1 The game had a very slow start to it wasted the 1st part of the game just walking and killing a few people with stealth moves that weren't really stealth i mean im killing a guy a few feet from another guy and he didnt notice?

2 Before the game came out it was said that we would have a more badass drake? come on i feel he's even more weaker than before he needs girls to drop him latters like ever hour or so thats not badass

3 During the whole game i felt that there was way less enemies than the 1st game there where complete chapters where there was no enemies at all just platforming.  Also in the 1st game when you first see the monster zombie things there were a lot of them and then way more when you encounter them again, in AT the 1st time you see them i believe there was just 1 and then 2 more followed by a few more latter on in the game there was no real battle scenes

In DF it felt like in every new area you where shootin enemies every time you would move to a new map there where enemies lots of them that required skills to progress using cover and moving through out the area to find new weapons it was almost like an art form.  In AT it felt very linear on how you would face enemies it was set up for enemies to just be right in front of you and there was always a RPG or nade launcher lying around. 

4 The game was way more easier than the first i played it on hard and just flew through it i remember playing DF on hard it would take some time in many of the battles and was like oh shit this is going to be insane on crushing i played i few chapters of AT on crushing and it wasnt as difficult as the 1st game

5 Uncharted AT just didnt flow as smooth as the first one you would often jump from one area to another with different scenery, in the 1st one it felt more smoother going from one area to the other at the end if the game in DF if felt that you had a better journey b/c you can remember alot more of the gun play, i didnt get that feeling in AT

6 What the hell was up with the ending? not only was the boss battle lame unlike DF where you had to go through 3 big waves of hard enemies and your cover would be detectable making you use strategy and timing, but drake choose elena over chole thats the most unbadass thing you could do.  Elena doesnt even have make up on she looks like a little 13 year old girl i wish they'd kill her character right there i would of been happier

Here are what others on the net are saying regarding this matter i agree with it all

"I felt the same way,U2 just wasnt as fun i had a blast with the first 1.this game is way overrated"

"I would also point out that the first one was better laid out took more stratagy to find your way out,you never have to struggle in U2 the areas seemed short and with little effort shoot your way out to the next area.i remember thinking halfway thru i hope this gets more challenging,never does"

"I preferred the first one. It seems that it took a bit more thinking on how to get from A to B"

"As far as the story goes, I think UC held everything together more than UC2. UC started off with a strong National Treasure esque feel, and we never strayed from the search for El Dorado. Drake was also given more time to show off how knowledgable he is at history and languages, piecing everything together.

UC2 is superior in its gameplay, but things didn't flow as much. We jump from location to location without a break, and by the end the original Marco Polo ship story arc is all but forgotten. Drake didn't put things together as well, and his only skill seemed to be able to read ancient writing."

"Overall, UC2 is a better game, but UC is more engaging."

"I think that the gunplay in UC1 felt more strategic and solid, in UC2 you can be reckless. The platforming is definitely better in UC2, but it's still incredibly easy. The puzzles are about the same difficulty, easy. I found the game to be less charming than the first, but I still laughed a lot and there were more moments where you felt like a badass. In UC1 the gunplay made you feel like a badass, but in UC2 it's the set pieces, the straight up gunplay isn't as satisfying."

"u1 is a whole lot more fun the u2. u2 is very confined in what you can do, and most of the game isnt shooting or anything. i can only see myself playing through u2 once or twice more (thats stretching it)

but ive played u1 over and over and over and will continue to playthrough it

but u2 is the better game, u1s campaign is just more fun"

"This, the shootouts in U2 were good, but felt very simple in comparison to U1. It seemed like U2 has the enemies spread out across a path so that you never fought too many at once, while the original would open up each gunfight into a nice sized battle area, with cover and weapons spread all around, then spawn a whole bunch of baddies and let you tackle it how you wish. I felt that introduced more tension and stragety into the fights.

The other thing is that the environment was way better in the first. And I do like all the set changes in U2, I thought that was really cool and I wouldnt change it, but in the first game...Actually being on a real uncharted island, plane wrecked and alone, finding your way through...It definitely added more to the sense of mystery and adventure than being in the middle of a city or something. And I agree with the previous poster about how it flowed."

"I also think the single player campaign in U1 was more fun than in U2. Even though U2 had some stellar standout elements (train sequence, flashback story telling/game playing, phenomenal cut scenes with excellent voice acting & character banter, & good shoot-outs with enemies on different vertical platforms- all of which is why I think it's only slighty overhyped, I think U1 was underhyped), I still enjoyed U1 better. I think this is because overall I found the shoot-outs in U1 to be harder & more rewarding. Even though U2 had more exploration and better jumping/climbing sections, both these games at their heart are 3rd person shooters. Maybe I liked the U1 single player campaign better because it seemed more true to a single genre, maybe it was just better."


I think the game was ok it had some good parts to it like the battle with the chopper in the beginning and again on the train it had alot of cinematics to it, but i like to play the game and shoot guys up not watch cinematics especially teen rated ones.  The game could of benefited if it had more enemies and added 2 or 3 waves of them in the areas where there were enemies also add some in areas where there were completely none at all.  Another thing they could of done is had elena die and have nate go with chole at the end it would of felt more real happy endings are over rated to me and i cant stand elena's voice or looks whats up with her hair same style exactly since the first?

Where U2 really shines is in the MP i only been on deathmatch and im hooked i play at least 1hr a day im not a online gamer ive tried playing online in other games and lost intrest after a week or so, but U2 online is the best ive come to so far.  I like that there is not real safe spot on any map i hate campers and you dont get none in U2 b/c of this and that the bigger weapons like RPG and nade launcher dont spawn as quickly as the other weapons.

Because of all this Uncharted DF will go down in history as being a true classic game for its time i give DF a 8.5 simply b/c of the lack of any MP it would of gotten higher if it had the MP of AT.  I give AT a 8.8 would give it a 9.5 had it had the SP from the first also lack of any local MP


Post what you though about U2 vs U1 SP if you agree with me or disagree

Agree, I loved the campaign for the UC:DF better then 2. The one thing that was way better in UC2 then UC1 was the final boss fight. The final fight in UC1 was horrible. The last fight in UC:2 was awesome.

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Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus