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Interesting. I didn't read all your points BHR-3 because I didn't want to read too many spoilers. But the ones I did read appear to be a matter of personal opinion.

I think large chunks of platforming with no gun play is a plus not a minus; I like platforming. Besides there are fairly decent periods of game in DF where it's all platforming and no enemies. Not whole chapters, maybe but still theres a good amount of it.

I also think fewer enemies is good, I thought sometimes the number of enemies in DF was ridiculous. My opinion is that Rambo-like player to enemy ratios is stupid in any game, so if there are fewer enemies in AT than in DF then that is a huge improvement in my view.

Kill one enemy with stealth while the other one standing next to him doesn't notice is pure badass ninja Drake stealth; and you said Darke isn't more badass Seriously though this does sound a bit dumb/annoying so I'll acknowledfge this as a flaw. Not so much that it causes AT to be inferior to DF. But hey, that only means there's something to make Uncharted 3 even better

I'm fully expecting AT to surpass DF and I reallly liked DF. I'm glad what I read of your OP hasn't dulled my personal expecations. Sorry for not reading your whole OP, I hope you can understand why.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix