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BigBoobieHead said:
^ I lied! I have to post again XD. Right, Forza's damage is anything but extensive. Shit would be a better word to describe it, this can't be argued. Crashing at 130mph into a wall and getting nothing but a dent and a scratch is not extensive, and anyone who's played the game simply has to back me up on this. Forza's customization - Ive already mentioned. Its very good, better than what GT offers in that department, but when you look at the big picture and everything GT has over Forza its really miniscule, same as the auction house. And Forza didn't invent racing lines.

Secondly, hardcore sim racers don't want replay functions. If GT5 has this, I wont be happy. If you mess up, you mess up. Its cheating, unrealistic.

So...........I'm still right. And mods, calling Forza's damage shit isn't trolling. If I get warned/banned for saying that I bet its by a mod whose never played Forza.

At least all 3 Forza games had damage modelled in some shape or form. 

Seeing as you're so sure, which game did invent the racing line that Forza has perfected?

Finally in your posts you do nothing but discredit Forza which is already proven a critical success, any point you consider better than rivals you have belittled proving a sad bias.

If I want to know which game is better for physic then I'll look at the reviews on Inside Sir Racing when GT5 is released, I already know which will be considered the better driving sim and I'm pretty sure my opinion is the opposite of yours.


I apologise for carrying on the Off topic chat but I'm sick of reading bashing of FM in GT threads constantly and wish we had the mods rule a instant ban on it happenning in the future.