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Wii/DS only here, maybe a few PC games, it looks like it will be getting the lion's share of games that I bought last gen. $250 was far more than I've ever paid for a video game console before, and I honestly hope not to repeat that for a LONG time. While shuffling funds for the Wii I skimped on buying games for months on end, thus why I'm still catching up on my growing PS2/Gamecube collections. I have no quarrel with people who enjoy the 360 or PS3, but I do have a problem with it when they feel that it's the only way to play games and berate what I enjoy. What good do all of those big blockbuster games do if they're not the type of game I enjoy? I also don't have an HDTV (nor will I get one before my current one dies AND the prices are comparable for the size, ignoring LCD's since 100% of my stuff is SD), I also live in an area without real broadband (last I checked 33% of americans can't get cable/dsl). I realize my taste in games aren't mainstream, but really, why should I invest in something I won't enjoy? I plan on getting either Supreme Commander, Tales of the Abyss, or Radiata Stories this week while putting down a preorder on Odin Sphere. :) Maybe even Etrian Odyssey (DS) soon. ;) Btw, CrazzyMan, I'm a helluva long way from a casual gamer. 40+ PS2 games and 25+ gamecube games, and I play over 20 hours a week on average. The PS2 has Odin Sphere and Soul Nomad coming out here this year, not to mention the games I still have yet to get (Xenosaga III, Tales of the Abyss, Radiata Stories, Zone of the Enders 2, and many more). The Wii is, this year alone, gonna be getting a lot of games I like, some of which, believe it or not, are actually 3rd party. :) The only 2 games I want for PS3/360 so far are Armored Core 4 and Eternal Sonata/Trusty Bell. Not exactly something worth spending hundreds of dollars for. For Wii I own Zelda, Red Steel, Super Monkey Ball, and Super Paper Mario, along with about 8 virtual console games.

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.