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Wii - 150 million
360 - 73 million
PS3 - 70 million

My logic for why I put 360 slightly above PS3: Microsoft's stronghold remains the US, which is still the dominant gaming market. Sony's only major advantage is Japan, which is a relatively small market in the overall picture, and is declining. Europe is the wild card that may change this, but so far Sony does not have a big enough advantage there to overtake the 360 worldwide IMO.

Wii should reach 150 million at its current rate provided Nintendo doesn't under deliver on their games like in 2009 and keeps the momentum going with more motion plus and balance board games, as well as the vitality sensor. The vitality sensor is also a big wild card. If it flops, Wii should still reach a good 120 million but maybe not much beyond that. If it is a huge hit like Wii Fit, then Wii sales could skyrocket into the 160-180 million area. I don't really see it hitting 200 million unless Nintendo keeps a strong flow of games for the coming years, 3rd party support picks up, and Nintendo doesn't release a new console anytime soon.