GreyianStorm said:
I'm aware of that. I wasn't sure how PSP sold last week though, so I wasn't sure how much could be attributed to KH:BBS launch. Perhaps 60-70k was because of KH:BBS? |
Well it seems like pretty much all of the systems fell by ~50% or so from their holiday boost in last weeks numbers, so around 70k-75k seems like a reasonable estimate. Though some of that boost might not have been the bundles, just people buying KH and a PSP separately.(if they wanted a different color/didn't like the design, etc.)
starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."
Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"