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Like a few said, real world hype > internet hype.

I've showed the game to a few friends. Pretty much all of them just couldn't get used to the controls. I personally have played/loved tons of shooters on both pc and console and I'll admit, the movement in KZ2 can be frustrating at times. It was a really poor design choice by GG. They could've made the game more tactical/"hardcore" by doing other things but instead they gimped the player's controls to the point where tons of people find it annoying.

Besides that, the graphics are doing nothing for the game. KZ2's hyped was mainly based on it's visuals, but in the end, people don't want a tech demo. They want a video game to play for fun. Games like MW2/Halo3 are known for having in-depth features that keep the game interesting for ages. When a game is known specifically for having amazing graphics, you can expect it to be dethroned and forgotten when the next graphical beast arrives. In this case, it was Uncharted 2, and many would agree that the campaign is so far ahead of KZ2's. And for the multiplayer fix, MW2 tops it with way more variety/features, along with splitscreen which is definitely awesome when you got some peeps over. It's expected that MW2/U2 have KZ2 beat.

Seriously though, I'm sure everyone remembers the masses of threads complaining about the controls/movement. Now imagine how casual gamers feel about it - you can expect them to drop the controller after a short while.


KZ2 does have it's good points but for me personally, there's not much in it to keep me hooked. In the beginning, the 16v16 really got my attention, then I realized how much of a clusterf*** it can be.

PSN: Parasitic_Link