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Phobos said:


Are you really sure, they made a lot of profit- if I think on RedDeadRedamtion with its 5 million copys...ok, there was some mismanagement, but anyhow...

Sony should drop the KZ franchise. After THIS hyping that sales are really disappointing.

This opinion is not based on the quality of the game. I guess, if I would own a PS3 I also would own KZ 2 - after what I've seen it's ways better then this shitty little noobfest called Call of Shitty;P

Red Dead has been in development for over six years.  Killzone 2 was in development for less than four, plus Geurrilla Games was also focusing on Liberation when Killzone 2 was early in development, up until its release in October 2006.   This implies that Killzone 2 had much lower develoment costs than Red Dead Redemption.

Plus Sony makes more per copy of a game sold, as they don't have to pay licensing fees to release the game on their own platform like a third party would.  This means they get substantially more per game sold.

The two situations really aren't comparable.