Ubisoft has 12 games for Natal, and all will be ready for the launch?
So Ubisoft is going to focus on HD consoles instead of the Wii because they don't trust the casual base, but they're making 12 Natal games? Do they want us to believe they're focusing on 12 big budget AAA HD Natal games at once? Does Ubisoft believe that Microsoft is going to steal the entire casual market overnight with the next big fad? Or does Ubisoft believe that Natal will be HARDCORE motion controls for HARDCORE gamers? Do they realize that 12 Natal games will probably cost more than their last 29 Wii games?
I have a feeling Ubisoft will treat Natal the same way they treated the Wii. They're going to make 80 crappy games for it, and hope they get a big franchise out of one of them. All they got out of 80 Wii games was Red Steel and the Raving Rabbids.
I think all you Microsoft guys should get ready for this:
"With the new intuitive control scheme, Natal makes it feel like you and your friends are really imagining that you're party babyz!"