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IMO, I like FFVII out of all the others.

FFI - Awesome since it started off the series.

FFII - Pretty neat way of "leveling" your characters, even though they dont have levels lol.

FF III - Nice Job System, even though Evokers and Summoners are exactly the same thing basically.

FFIV - One of my favorites. DRK Cecil FTW!

FFV - Haven't played in a long time, but would love to play it again.

FFVI - So over hyped IMO when compared to VII, but still a great game. Probably my 4th Fav FF so far.

FFVII - Favorite one out of the whole series. The idea of Limit Breaks and the Materia System is probably up there along with the in depth character developement and storyline when describing why I like it.

FFVII DoC - Decent Shooter, but could've been better. Interesting Side Story.

Crisis Core - FFVII - Has the possibility of the best hand held RPGs of all time. Can't wait to play it.

FFVIII - Junction System was awesome idea, but could be extremely tedious to make your characters insane early one.

FFIX - Old School style FF with the Trance Feature instead of Limit Breaks = FTW!

FFX - Awesome storyline with a fast paced turn based battle system.

FFX-2 - Least likable FF. Mediocre at best.

FFXI - Great MMO. Actually has a good stroyline, unlike WoW.

FFXII - Enjoyable new gameplay thats introduced.

FFXIII - Do I need to explain how amazing that game looks with only like 5 sec of actual gameplay? *drool* Only thing I'm worried about is the story line and how many characters you can control :(

FFvXIII - From the revealed information about game play, should be amazing since Nomura wants it to replace the KH battle systems since it's so similar.