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patapon said:
Shoestar said:
The USA is the last stronghold of the X360... Considering the significant price difference between the PS3 and the X360, if Microsoft loses the US... it might be very very bad...

Competition is good... remember when Blu-ray was fighting against HD-DVD? You could get new BR-Ds for dirt cheap or really amazing promotions... but now... when it's king of the hill... nothing... :/

Competition is bad people, plain and simple.

Let me give you a little happenstance that caused me much anguish. Once I was selling lemonade on a street corner. A great business TBH. You go to the grocery store and purchase some kool-aid packets and some sugar. Big whoop right? And for the water, you simply take a visit to the nearest public toilet. How much $$$ can be gained from? Well, once you factor in the practically nonexistent sunk costs from materials and the returns from price jacking, it's actually quite a substantial amount. But anyways, I digress...

Once upon a time I was selling some tasty lemonade. All went well until I started to get competition. This little girl from across the street opened up a joint and sold the goods for 10% less than me, pft... stupid bitch. As you can imagine, this new found competition did not put a smile on my fucking face, so I cut lemonade prices by over 20%. Business was looking up again! What happened next? She cut prices by over 40%!!! Can you believe that? 20 cents per fucking cup! God dammit, I have a family to feed!!!

What happened next? I hired a guy named Bobo McBobo to break her legs. Next day, no more competition :) But it still scared the shit out of me!!!

In short, competition is bad... I guess...

Here ends the readings from *Patapon, Legends of a Street Lord*

Hmmm.... okay...

I bow down to your logic...

/goes to bed.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!