) Monster Hunter 3: 500k
2.) No More Heroes 2: 200k
3.) Trauma Team: 500k
4.) Metroid: Other M: 2 million
5.) Super Mario Galaxy 2: 5 million
6.) Zelda Wii (if it appears): 6 million
7.) New Super Mario Bros.: 7 million
8.) Enclave based off of ( http://www.vgchartz.com/games/game.php?id=645 )
9.) The Grinder (if not delayed): 250k
10.) Epic Mickey: 1 million
11.) Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing: 700k
12.) Zangeki no Reginleiv [Dynamic Slash (if localized)]: 50k
13.) Sin & Punishment 2: 200k
14.) Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll: 500k
15.) Flip’s Twisted World: dont know
16.) Endless Ocean: Blue World: 500k
17.) Tatsunoku vs. Capcom: 100k
18.) Fragile: 70k
nintendo fanboy, but the good kind
proud soldier of nintopia