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I can't even remember the last time I turned it on, so I'm guessing it's been a couple of months if not a year since I even touched it, between the lack of games that I like and the trophy system on the PS3, I simply have no incentive to even turn on the wii.

I know allot here hate the whole trophy/achievement thing, but I have to say, during the PS2 era I would go through months of leaving my PS2 off, then I'd go through a game splurge till the next dry spell were again I would not turn on my PS2 for months....this generation however with trophies and downloadable games with trophies, I find my self turning on my PS3 almost every day.

I still go through dry spells and gaming splurges but now the spells are taken up by the downloadable games, and the splurges by retail games, all in all the trophy system along with downloadable games has kept me playing.

I hope Nintendo does a similar thing to what Sony and Microsoft have done with trophies and achievements, it's a great system, so great infact that even PC is adopting it, with steam and soon blizzards new online service.