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The_vagabond7 said:
luvtospooge said:
The_vagabond7 said:

Zeus isn't the creator of Reality. Greek Gods are pussies compared to other mythologies. They get killed on a regular basis, have extremely human desires and personalities and faults, and live on a freakin' mountain. Hell is a big cave underground that you crawl out of. The more Judeo-christian mythology that Bayonetta draws from involves creatures that aren't even perceptible to human beings, a deity that created all of reality including dimensions that humans cannot perceive, and live in a plane of existence that humans can't fathom. Greek mythology has a guy that throws lightning bolts from a good sized mountain, and their enemies are giants. Their gods are regular ol' humans with special powers, half the Marvel cast could beat the hell out of greek gods.


In Bayonetta you can actually destroy PLANETS in one boss fight, and that doesn't even kill the boss you're fighting in the process. In fact the boss you're fighting considers that a pussy move, and you need to try harder than that. Kratos grunts when opening a big stone treasure chest. How exactly is he going to kill her again? Could Kratos destroy a planet?

I don't take bayonetta seriously at all...Sound in Space? Breathing in space? Im sorry but last time I heard Witches were mortals with some black magic, not some invincible omgwtfbbq beautiful chick thats looks a lot like sarah palin. The story is absurb and out of hand. The game shines for it's gameplay and how smooth it is. If you judge only by the way she fights, Kratos rapes her...


I mean I could make a character who is invincible, sexy as hell and eats stars for breakfast... judge by how she fight because if you judge by who she fights...then err, we are in for an infinite argument.

You just described Dragon Ball Z, and a large portion of the marvel universe. Saying "well it's so strong it's stupid, and that doesn't count." Isn't really an argument. I mean if she can breathe in space, and smash planets, or eat stars as you say, that's the ability, sensical or not. She clearly isn't the kind of witch that puts a hex on you by hiding newt tails under your bed. She's the kind that rips the arms off of deities the size of sky scrapers. Simply saying "Well Kratos is cooler, look at how he fights, he must be more skilled, and so wins" doesn't count if his opponent could actually obliterate the planet he is on and drive into outer space on a motorcycle. It doesn't matter if she's so strong it's stupid, she is stupidly strong.

And that is me at least. She is waaay to overpowered to be in the league of Kratos...she should be in the league of Goku...

Someone flawless is stupid and childish thinking, in my opinion...whether it is a game,anime,movie or whatever.