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krimoz911 said:
VictorG said:
It's a flop based on expectations. This game was played up as Sony's answer to the Wii and if you look at its sales compared to the Wii games and the impact the game had (none?) it's a flop.


(You were being sarcastic, right?)

When this game was announced the expectations were that it would turn things around for Sony.  I'm not being sarcastic, it was Sony's big game that was supposed to change things or at least that is what some played it up to be.  It didn't and that is where the flop came from.  If the game hadn't of been played up it wouldn't have gotten the grief it got.

There's two sides here, the one side that labelled it a flop because it failed against the Wii and the other that is claiming it's not flop and therefore must have beaten the Wii.  Based on those sides it's obvious which is correct.