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So I walk into Target to get the few things we forgot for our wedding this weekend and go check out the games like always. So as I am standing  there, when one of there staff ask if I am looking for anything . I ask if they had any copies of Resident Evil:UC for the Wii. He looks at me strangely for a moment and then says that game was only made for the X-Box 360. When I said he was wrong he fought about it and said he would go pull it up on thier system. Well being in a rush for time I said thanks for the help and walked off. I understand its a job and they might not know everything but I expext a certain level of knowledge. I am a grocery manager and a very picky eater. So I dont eat half the crap people ask me for but I know where it is located and if I dont carry that item, I know if I can get it. Am I they only one that wants a certain level of knowledge from people who work in stores?