metalmonstar said:
2.Player Choice- Nintendo seems to have this idea that player choice just decreases profits. I can see where they are coming from with the strength of their evergreen titles but player choice is more than just increased sales and lower profits. It is about letting consumers know what products are quality. This would help the new audience purchase games. Less people would get ripped off and more quality titles would be on retailer shelves. There is really no reason for several year old games to still cost full price.
Very good post... but i'd like to comment on that particular point: there's no "official" Player's choice available, true, but don't forget that many quality Wii titles end in the bargain bins VERY quickly: i could even say that Wii is the cheapest console to play, EVER... if you don't want to pay a game full price, you just wait for 3 to 6 months, and you can pick most of the best titles (except 1st parties, of course) for only 10 to 30 euros/dollars...
I'd even say that it hurts the global Wii market, as most fans now know the deal, and are less and less giving their money on day one...
Now, when it comes to 1st party games, i've just seen Animal Crossing Wii and Wii Music sold at 15 euros during the holydays, so Nintendo sometimes clears stocks, too... they just don't create a special collection for these anymore, cos' it would be in fact the "failure titles" (quite relative, of course), and not the "real" best sellers...
Many other titles are evergreens and still sell very well even after even two years on the market, so they don't want to do the same with ALL their old Wii games... and i can understand, it's normal business to try to maximize your profits when the demand is so huge, so who could blame them? And the second-hand market is still there anyway: they know that, too...
"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...
and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."