Ronster316 said: What upsets me as a 2D side scrolling beat em up fan is that we get avarage games like Turtles in time and Castle Crashers on XBLA, but theres no Sign of a Streets of Rage 4 or Guardian Heroes 2 anywhere. Castle Crashers has shown that theres still an appetite for classic side scrolling beat em up's. |
Eh, I wouldn't call it average. It has its flaws, sure, but it really excels in some areas (presentation, music, RPG elements, I dunno). It's actually one of my fav games this gen, possibly my favorite game on the 360.
I'm a huge fan of arcade-style games, so I want the old-school to return. A new Streets of Rage, kept in its 2D glory, would definitely be awesome (and yeah, it'd sell). Not that it'd be an easy game to make, I mean, the older games are great for a slew of reasons that are hard to replicate with an update - in particular the sound, music, art, and controls. Look at the Turtles in Time remake, for example, it's a freggin disaster.
Oh, and nice music pick.