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I agree with you on many points, especially the quality of games issue. The problem is that the people buying these games really don't know what they are buying. Wii Music anyone. As much as I respect Myamoto, when I saw him at E3 with Wii Music I thought it would be the last thing Nintendo ever let him work on. Seriously. I think the highest review I saw by a respectable reviewer was 5.5. I've played it. WOW!! It is like a preschooler video game you would buy a toddler in the back aisle at Toys R Us. Anyway, the "Casual" consumer is the moron that keeps buying all the shovelware regardless of what it is. If it says "Wii" must be good. Mario and Sonic at the Olympics? Its sales are right up there with GTA4, for one console. The point I'm trying to make is that there are too many uneducated buyers out there, and with over 60 million consoles world wide, somebody's going to buy a "Wii" title regardless if it needs to be thrown into the E.T. pit. AND..........with the $200 price point it can't be beat for the poor consumer(sorry, the arcade 360 is a joke). Well, there it is.