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Ail said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Ail said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Seriously, I'm betting every person in here saying Kratos has not played half way through Bayonetta. It's really like saying Iron man is just going to shoot Super Man with his missiles and machine guns and then Superman will be totally fucked, Iron Man ROXXORS! Kratos is not anywhere near as powerful NO WHERE NEAR as powerful as bayonetta. It is not a contest. If you think Kratos would win, it is because you are a Kratos fanboy and have not played Bayonetta. The power difference between the two is stark and blatantly obvious for anyone who has played bayonetta.

Bayonetta is cheap , not powerfull...


You can beat almost every single enemy using the same strat that requires no skill...

All you need is to push 1 button, no dodging, nothing required.. And that is the best action game of the gen.../sigh...

If you want to die... nor realize certain enemies are easier to beat with certain weapons and strategies... you only hit 1 button in the very easy mode lol its called 1 button mode for a reason

I'm talking normal mode...

Strat is very easy..


Run into a corner away from enemies and face the corner.

Charge katana triangle, unleash when enemies come on screen ( they will not attack you from offscreen).

Panther form, run away to another corner, rinse and repeat....

This gentlemen is the best action game of the gen.............

That does not work at all.... that's so ridiculously stupid that I can't possibly explain all the epic fail in this statement. Uh, I'll try.

Most areas you are fighting enemies don't have "corners"
Most enemies will never give you time to "stand in one place to charge up your katana."
Almost no enemies past the first 3 chapters ever lay off you long enough to let you run away.
Almost every enemy after chapter 3 has some sort of ranged attack.
Some enemies, even on normal, can easily kill you in 3-4 hits.
A good 1/4 of the enemies in the game fly, which makes the Katana's cross-slash useless.
At least 1/3 of the fights in the game are bosses, sub-bosses, or enemies so fast and aggressive that this strategy is unbelievably stupid.

Basically you've just made a strategy for the first 2 angels in the game... which you shouldn't need a strategy for anyway cause they are trash mobs, and which is completely ineffective against anything after that.

And even ignoring all of this hard mode enemies have 4 times the health, do 3 times the damage, are faster, more aggressive, and have new moves.

Watching a youtube video then posting about a game you've never played = giant fucking loss.