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@pariz and @MaxwellGT2000

Agreed. As a Wii owner I want both the 'traditional' Wii games plus games like Dead Space, Silent Hill, etc. and so long as they are profitable (which they clearly can be) then I would hope developers would support this. I can understand if they decide to solely focus on the platform that supports certain genres better, but I would find it disappointing.

The issue I feel is the rather simplistic interpretation many have of the performance of such games.

So many seem to look at say CoD sales on Wii vs HD versions and go 'fail' instead of deciding if the sales are good or not respective to true potential Wii audience. Just because the Wii has the bigger install base doesn't mean it automatically has a bigger demand per major genre.

As you say Maxwell, a lot of this is perception which has now been somewhat 'set in stone' by the press, gaming sites, etc. as to what games you get on what console. In the end the only games and image that I see being re-enforced for the Wii are family games and exercise. You just don't see images telling you that its okay to play Silent Hill on the game, too, for example.

I don't see this reversing now though, so I think for better or worse we're stuck with the split of certain games/expectations across the Wii and the HD consoles.

Actually, having just said that, when the Wand/Natal launch they will potentially re-set some expectations, and ideally that would also be a good time for the Wii to get a re-set itself in terms of having strong games in genres not associated with the Wii to the same extent.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...