This thread pointed out the absurdity of the predictions by one site dedicated to videogame industry professionals:
The predictions didn't even included Wii games in sales (and have Gran Turismo being less than Mass Effect 2? and don't even include Fable 3). Apparently these apparent experts don't even know that the Wii exists. Anyhow, this being said, it made me think of this forum. I believe if you were to use data and opinions by people on here, and filter out some niche clique titles that individuals hype up (like Valk Chronicles and Demon's Souls), you could have superior predictions on sales figures, and what game will be a top seller. Anyhow, has ioi given any thought to this? That thread makes me think about how much the industry experts seriously don't have a clue. They don't seem to even know what actually people play, or want to play, but rely on other data.
Anyone else agree with this?