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No one is bashing MS. We all understand that MS is in it to make money just like Sony and Nintendo and all three make good products. What they are doing is exactly what I expect them to do and that is what is best for themselves which is not always healthy for an industry as we have seen in other areas such as insurance, finance, music, and soon enough tv. Sony has done the same in the past with formats, Dev buyouts, and exclusivity. Nintendo did the same when they fought Sega.

I think what most people here want is for Devs, OEM's, and manufacturers to step up and re-shift some power back into the hands of the free market, in the form of OpenGL and maybe the PC which has historically been the foremost playground for innovation and opportunity. What doesn't make sense is that almost every company aside from the 3 console makers would profit immensely from a stable, console style PC alternative but none are stepping up to organize it. I suppose this is a bad sign because it means that our companies are all run by imbeciles... oh wait we already knew that. Props to MS, Sony, and Ninny for keeping everyone at bay but its just a matter of time imho before someone steps up.