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Bruno Muñoz B said:

BTW, did they say the same when Breath of Fire V, Killer 7, Viewtiful Joe, Viewtiful Joe 2, Final Fight: Streetwise, God Hand, Onimusha: Blade Warriors, Auto Modellista, Maximo vs. Army of Zin, Shadow Of Rome, Resident Evil: Dead Aim, Okami, Dino Stalker,  Mega Man X: Command Mission or Chaos Legion bombed on PS2?

No, because everyone expected the PS2 to be a hit from the beginning, and so they went into that generation putting their highest priority on making PS2 titles.  So even when countless titles were doing badly, they still pressed on trying to make sure a few would become hits to make up for those and possibly sell multi-millions.

When the Wii was announced, everyone expected it to be just another GC at best, if not flop.  So little priority was put into making Wii titles.  But after the Wii took off, third parties still didn't change their mentality of 'this just a secondary machine to the HD consoles'.  Which is why the Wii is in the state its in today.

Six upcoming games you should look into: