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luvtospooge said:
Man I don't know what to choose...I have 3 games in my mind and I can only buy one...

Should I get..Heavy Rain...or White Knight Chronicles...or MAG...

If you ask for my preferences ,well....
-Heavy Rain seems unique and I liked a game on the ps1 called V.I.P similar to HR...

-White KNight Chronicles, I wanted a Monster Hunter online type game for the ps3 for a long time and it's been awhile since I played a JRPG...

-MAG, well, I played the Beta and liked it a bit but I don't know if it has the MW2 addictive component...

Meh this is confusing!

It's easy dude! WKC will be sonys true 2nd shot at a JRPG Folklore was a great game however if failed commercially and Financially as PS3's first JRPG exclusive while WKC will Surpass it in everyway! Mag is just another FPS and Heavy Rain is Nich game (A great One most likely, but come on!) PS3's JRPG drout ends this year, take advantage of it with its first! WKC!