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dnnc said:

I go to my local gamestop to pick up Bayonetta for 360, and the clerk starts to complain about how much he hates microsoft, because they buy their way in, PS3 has better games, and he's old school, and microsoft rushed a faulty product to get the first step on sony.


and i'm cool with that, fanboys can have their say. But seriously !!!

it's almost as if they forget that the video game industry is all about making money. who cares if microsoft bought their way in, i'm pretty sure if sony had the extra change they would do exactly the same thing. as for the PS3 having better games. a good game is a good game no matter what system it's on, a good game doesnt credit the console, it credits the developer. and as far as old school go's. old shcool doesnt envolve 3d graphics and polygons or hd, it's pixels and a one way street to CONTRA hell, 10 dots made to look like a spaceship with a gun shooting down 5 dots that look like nothing but they are your enemy raining down from outside your tv.

i'm done venting... thank you for reading, this i shall now enjoy beowulf & grendal.

I have to say I really never had a problem with Microsoft, but certain thoughts did occur to me looking at all the problems they have experienced.  Honestly I have thought much like alot of American products it was rushed and they is why you have the RRD problem.  Sony has been about quality.  I'm not saying there hasn't been as much problems as the 360.  Its embrassing to me and now PS3 finally lowered there console Sony will move into 2nd place.  Yes, Microsoft has more money to throw around.  Just look at there software sales, but for me anyday of the week its about quality.  Therefore I choose Sony.">