NYANKS said:
My counter argument is this. Whilst the PS2 had a greater quantity of excellent content it did not have as wide of a spread in terms of which markets this content targetted. So whilst the PS2 had many excellent core and hardcore games it was lacking in comparison to the Wii in terms of the variety of casual markets it was able to tap. This is the reason why the PS2 titles don't tend to have sold as much as the individual Wii titles as the Wii titles especially from Nintendo are effectively unanswered and collected the entirety of their respective markers whilst on the PS2 the titles had much greater competition and market fragmentation.
Arguing what the Wii would have been like without their innovative control scheme would be the same as arguing what the PS3 would have been like had it launched for the same price with mediocre performing hardware. I don't think its very fruitful discussion personally.