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Weren't there reports of PS3's and 360's selling out all holiday season? Does it make sense that there would be that many on store shelves?

I just don't see why there is such a big controversy here. All of us know that there is no way to track the actual numbers of sales for any of these consoles. Everything is an estimate. But the most accurate numbers that we can get would come from the console manufacturers themselves. They not only know what they ship out but also what retailers are ordering to replenish their stock as well.

So when the CEO of a company states to an international audience that there are 39 million 360's in homes worldwide, we should not just blow it off. When Sony has a CES timed press release stating they sold in excess of 3.8 million PS3's over the holiday, we should not just blow it off.

They're the best numbers we have, folks.