nitekrawler1285 said:
The PSP profit has allowed them to focus on the PS3 to the extent they have because we all know that PS2 profits are all but a drying well. It's selling less Software and even less Hardware especially now that this gen has come to an affordabe price range Where do you think the PS3 pricecut is coming from? Improving the PSP is easier on all fronts. Software costs less to develop. They have non hackable PSPs now. The just need to give the attention of actual studios to it. 1st stringers. It's profitable now hardware wise it would make a great time to focus on it. The one region where their development studios focus on the system it is a success. They also advertise games there. Paying studios to make PSP games would also be cheaper as well. |
Realistically, the PS3's price-cut probably came from cost reductions in the manufacturing process (The PS3 is over 3 years old now, and has seen several fairly major revisions so far) and the reasonable sales of PS3 software with higher per-unit revenue on PS3 software than off of previous Sony systems.
You've got to consider that given the sales we have on this site the PSP sells only a little more software than the PS2 which you claim isn't that profitable; even though PSP hardware and software has far more money spent on R&D and marketing.