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darthdevidem said:

The Ps3 is hsowing more potential than the Dreamcast ever did

a console doesn't outsell the wii in JAP for 2 weeks & a console doesn;t outsell the 360 CONTINUOUSLY in EU only to go & die the next year

 WAHOOO... come on even WII has not catch up yet in other on the XB..... and still as long as they don't control the US market really come back in the race it won't be good for PS3 even with jap and EU.... WII will control japan and EU is a drop in the bucket and the major market UK is still far from being on PS3 side.... 


and anyway to be safe PS3 needs hundreds of thousands more sale than Xb a month on a continuous period to consitantly hope to come back... so far it's not happening.... either they close the  fast or at some point the market will slip through their hand... it's what happens to the 3rd one every time on almost any market of that type....  you can't live up on brand name indefinately with out being punished on the long run... 5 games on the long run is not enough... it won't close the gap and once again it's not attracting for 3rd parties thinking on a long run basis for big new IPs... and that's always been the problem for other consoles which failed in the past... 

talking about DC I can anme 5 awesome IP on the console did it save it or was enough... really not... look at project gotham, look at panzer dragoon orta, look at crazy taxi, look soul calibure, jet set radio,  virtua fighter, dino crysis, dead or alive, GTA 2, house of the dead 2, phantasy star, virtua tennis, shenmue, and that's just titles on top of my head.... and without the multi plat or the big games that were on PC too.. like POD, MDK or the load of good jap 2D fighting games.... I mean 5 gmes on PS3 look really poor to me compare to the 3 year line up of DC...