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ok 5 games... my dick to cut in 2008 you'll have more than 5 milion seller on XB :)

and PS3 domination... come on I'm the joke ???? there is more statistical (not market wise) chances that XB could catch up with WII in 2008 (I don't belive that one second either) than PS3 with XB... what ever happens.... so please cut the crap.... it's not being a fanboy or not.. it's just definitely not happening in 2008.... it's not possible what so ever...

now I'm sorry but I'll say it FF is a million sellers but in my book since the 7 it's going down almost title after title... and it's far to be the best RPG out there all genre mixed together... that license is purely living on brand name.... I'll say it FF is a piece of shit compare to many RPG out there now... what ever the support I'm not taking side here....

then KZ i'll say it again for the gazillion time... I'll believe it when I'll see it... it will probably be a nice graphically speaking game.... but nothing has been proved yet for the rest of the game... it will be a million seller if and only if it's a good title over the simple graphic part... which is yet to be proved to be that perfect too.... since PS2 emotion engine I highly doubt any videos from Sony showcases now...

GT.... looks really nice graphically... but as a simulation same thing it's over rated compare to what you have on the market especially games like GTR 2 on PC... and personally I never liked the AI on the previous titles...

LBP looks sweet, now being million selling potential is not sure.. for two reason the install base of PS3 owners and is that game really hyped... I mean of course here everyone knows it... but we are all into VG 24/7 or close.... is the casual gamer really aware and wanting that game ??? (i'm honestly asking here)

now MGS is the indisputable one in your list.... the only problem I see with that game is I don't like the genre... but I really do like the story... so usually I just go to my friend house and see him play so it looks like a movie lol.... and you have to realize that MGS has as many fans than people that don't care for the same reason I don't (that's true for any million seller)....

I hope all those games are uber great... that'd be cool for you (owners of PS3)... now will 5 games even multiply million sellers will be enough to change the tendency... I honestly don't believe it one second.... it will probably reduce the gap, but there is a an ocean between gaining even a couple million on the gap between XB and PS3 and consistently closing it...

and my problem with PS3 big titles you name it's when the fuck they gonna have a real potential million seller new IP... I mean they have a couple but not of the caliber of those... I mean FF 13... come on ok it's FF but at that rhythm we'll have a FF 40 before I turn 35 years old...

when will we see a bioshock, mass effect, even kameo, or other new good IP exclusive equivalent on PS3...(million seller or not just new and good would be enough to get me to buy a PS3)....

right now PS3 is living on brand name... how long will it last ??? they are on really dangerous curve right now... the sales number don't speak for the right reason, it could drop dramatically in the next quarter....

right now the titles I really want all plateform mixed together.. it's SMG, alan wake, fall out 3, haze, crysis, ninja gaiden, GTA, RE, too human, huxley, fable, halo story, star wars unleashed, fracture, and other unamed projector titles I didn't think of right now far over any of those 5 titles.... and honestly I Think among those title you have some that can out ranked the 5 you named with maybe the exception of MGS in term of quality.... now same thing with those title (beside the one already released) we'll have to wait and see if they live up to the expectation... but between the exclusives, the multi optimized for XB for some and the fact we don't have as much hype right now on them than on your 5 PS3 title.. I really do think XB barely known 2008 line up as more more overall potential than even 5 really really reallly good game on PS3.... lets put it that way 10 potentially 80% game ranking score games have more power IMO than 5 90% ones....

but just wait 1st 2008 quarter and we'll be able to compare the line up more accurately.... but right now 5 games even awesome don't seem to be enough IMO... I hope for you you'll have more than 5 because i'm sure you'll have more than 5 million seller on XB next year... and 3rd party we'll be looking at that.... I think there are something like 28 million sellers already on XB by the end of 2008 you'll have at least 35... and dev we'll ultimately be looking at that for their next exclu investment... they won't care if square will make money with an IP like FF... they'll care if they have the potential to do it with a new IP... right now the balance is definatelly going on XB side.. and that's the real downfall for PS3... like it was for GameCube and Dreamcast....

now may the best win... after all that's what we should look for... not a brand name....