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I haven't gotten it yet, but it's damn hard to find where I live. On thanksgiving I saw a huge stack of them at wal-mart and almost bought one, but then didn't. The was completely obliterated on black friday, and I haven't seen a zapper package yet.

RE:UC is pretty awesome though. I'm getting my ass handed to me on the RE3 scenarios on the Normal setting though. There are just SOOOO many freakin zombies. I'm trying to use barrels and the occasional car explosion to kill as many as I can, but I just can't keep up with them all. And the part with the flashlight in the subway...damn that's creepy. RE games are just too intense for an old man like me.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.