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It was as I expected, though I played in the last beta phase for the last two or three weeks of it so I've already had a chance to learn about how to start building up my skills (Medical Kit and Revive ability) and I wasn't expecting a whole lot from this game considering the negativity it gets from people, but I'm glad I stayed interested because it's not bad. There are still issues that can be ironed out and it'll be a shame if some things like the frame rate (especially in Domination) don't improve. When it clicks (teamwork, playing with friends, unlock skills/gear/weapons) it can be great fun.

In the end though, unless it came with the official PS3 headset or something, I don't think I'd buy it at full price as I'd at least like to see more kinks and such worked out first. I will still be keeping my eye on MAG to see what happens post launch.