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I've been playing VG for 20 years. I've played a massive range of VG. Heck I play such a big range of games period that I have never met another person to ever have as much range as gaming as I do. Yet my primary VG mediums are the Wii and PC. I'm as hardcore as it get's in some aspect, yet I suspect most "hardcore" gamers who play such a tiny set of game types would consider me casual.

So Hardcore and Casual are pretty meaningless terms or terms that are only used to separate elite and non elite. I'll toss this one out for ya

Everyone(just about) on this site is a casual gamer. Yes even the HD, FPS, gore players. Because Video Gaming on a VG is Mainstream and Mainstream is the domain of the masses. Which we know Masses == NON Elite and NON Elite == Casual. Where as I play games that span niche gaming that are older than VG. Because since we know that Niche/Small/Non Masses == Elite and Elite == Hardcore.

VGCharts == Casual
Me == Hardcore(and the few other older gamers of course)

See check my sig below. I'm validated in what I'm saying because I say so :P

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.