kopstudent89 said:
What kind of logic is that?! Sorry but the PS3 lineup up till now is better for 2010, GT5+ FF versus+ Yakuza+ most 3rd party 200k+ sellers vs what? we have Zelda Wii and SMG2(both arent that influential in japan anymore). Sorry Avinash but sometimes i feel you're just out there to annoy people |
Well, given that both sides seem to be using fanboy logic, the replies seem to go together. People have been saying since 2007 that Game X will make the PS3 sell better. In all cases, it's only caused sales spikes, NOT long-term effects. Likewise, as for which lineup is "better", that comes down to sheer opinion. What it comes down to is who has momentum and who can keep it. Nintendo lost it last year, at the same time, the PS3 got it from the slim, yet the Wii still outsold the PS3. Right now, the question lies in who can keep their current momentum better. The problem for Sony is that most of their games only cause spikes, rather than long-term effects. This makes it much harder for them to keep going. The only way I can see PS3 beating Wii in 2010 in Japan is if a few of the Jan-Mar games actually do create long-term effects, AND that Nintendo can't keep the Wii going from the NSMBWii release. I think if Sony wants to, they can try to push things with ads to try and create momentum, but Sony can't make Nintendo screw up. With the ball in Nintendo's court, and Iwata acknowledging past failures, I don't think they're giving up control. Sure, I may be wrong, and they do the wrong thing to try to keep moving forward, but that's not something Sony can control. If Sony wants a chance, they need to focus on themselves, and do something that compels long-term growth, rather than 2 weeks of surge.
-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...