Anyone who is familiar with any form of addiction will tell you that in order for the addiction to continue past the point where a person no longer has the ability to take care of themselves someone has to act as an enabler. The act of performing an intervention is as much about getting the enablers around a person with an addiction to "cut them off" if they continue this destructive behaviour in order to force them into getting help. When the government gives out social benefits to drug users the government is acting as an enabler and these people never have to deal with the destructive side of a lifestyle that they choose to continue.
On a side note, I find it remarkably unfair at times that (locally) the government will pay thousands of dollars per month giving drug addicts a place to life that is far better than mine (and all they do is trash it costing even more of my money) when I have spent my lifetime avoiding temptation and trying to lead a productive life.