I just want to point out 2 things very specific you mentionned to show you how you are wrong :
- demo FM3 > demo GT5 TECHNICALLY
well, you have to understand that GTprologue is superior technicaly to the GT5 trial demo
in clear : it is obvious technically that the demo is not representative of the final game (200mb vs +10 giga). Considering we will be able to play 16 cars online with GT5 we can even consider GT5 will dominate GT5pro and FM3 at all part except , perhaps, the environnements of FM3 .... but if it matters for you, you should perhaps go play Afrika. I dont even need to mention the amazing reception of GT5 tiral demo physic ...
- GT5 is vaporwaves (as emotion engine etc ...) and will sell less than GT4
If I do agree that Sony has somewhat lied in the past (KZ2/motorstorm 2005 E3, EE for the PS2), we can see PS3 is still superior technically than any console this gen. Also, here we are talkiing about an official PS magazine with official features (no vaporwave). It is not "game is good or bad", it is just "what is inside" and I doubt they are lying in purpose considering how close to release the game is.
Also, for the sales, most people agree that GT5 will be down compared to GT3 but it is not du to GT being bad ... it is du to the PS3 being less spread than the PS2
Time to Work !