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coolbeans said:
Pristine20 said:
coolbeans said:
Yes, I enjoyed the campaign style the first one employed and was sad to hear they just made it revolving around one person instead of a squad.............and kept Rico lol. It's online and focus on the presentation are really it's only savings graces from getting the same score the first one received. Still a good game but not great like I expected, at least the online's addicting.

Isn't the online really what it's all about? You log waaay more hours into that than the single player. I'd assume its online should be the core component used to judge the game not its SP. FPS SP almost always suck. I only play them to get a feel of the game's controls. I personally feel that FPS games aren't worth purchasing if one doesn't play online. Might as well rent if one is only interested in a drab 6hr campaign

The point when making any game would be to try and make a great overall package, FPS SP shouldn't be ignored or not dived into when it comes to reviewing because they almost always suck (and I'd disagree with you, I find many FPS campaigns to be enjoyable).  With the scores it received and how it was said to improve on the original in all aspects, I failed to see that in regards to too many things in the SP.  It's graphics are great when it comes to most focusing points (lighting and gun models firstly) and I comend Guerilla for sticking to the gunplay formula although besides in anything presentation didn't really vary (yes the cover system but it's not well implemented) but overall gameplay like enemy AI (friendly was give or take about half the time) was improved greatly though. 

Agree to disagree, I've found a few FPS games that've made me only care for it's SP or care more about that then the online.  While renting does seem logically for 6 hour campaigns, in the case for Call of Duty 4 (as overrated as the MP can be, the SP was one hell of a ride) or quite possibly ODST (almost finished with it) I'd still be willing to buy them. 

Well, I guess each of us has what we value in an FPS. However, I still think MP carries the weight of the score even in reviews for good reason and most would agree. MW2 won't have its metascore otherwise because I haven't found a single person who thought its SP campaign was awesome. I personally won't buy  (or would resell immediately) an FPS if I thought the MP was worthless

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler