Guys, MW2 NOBODY forbade in Russia:) IW itself has decided to cut out a scene.
Yes, we in Russia have some problems with the rights, but go out of doors and cry out "Putin in prison" I can ^ _ ^ Eventually freedom problem in Russia not only because of politicians. At us of ~70 % of people want a totalitarian mode, unfortunately. For example, Stalin consider as the tyrant more than 60 % interrogated, consider its guilty of crimes, however ~ 50 % consider that everything that Stalin made, it is possible to forgive for "merits" (in which I at all do not trust - then also Vlasov of the traitor can be justified - it the hero of protection of Moscow in 1942... - sh*t happens)
So, do we know how many copies this sold in russia??
In Russia because of the small market in general there are no statisticans. Only TOP the general.
At us XBox 360 and PS3 in the sum it is sold about 500.000-600.000. Judge:)