Sorcery said: Zelda: It gets worse with each generation. Even though I thought Wind Waker was just "okay", Twilight Princess is downright crap. I tried to replay it and the first 5 hours of the game are a nightmare, it takes ~3 hours just to get to the first dungeon because you have to deal with so much other stuff. The character design is horrid (excluding Midna, Ganondorf, and Zelda), the music is ho-hum, being stuck in the twilight realm sucks, and the towns are utterly meh-worthy.
Oh but it gets better! Phantom Hourglass is easily the worst of the handheld Zeldas, although technically impressive it still looks worse than Sloth's face, the controls simplify the gameplay dramatically, and the sailing is even worse than it was in Wind Waker. In fact, I often like to compare PH's sailing to the sailing levels in Sonic Rush Adventure, because you know it's a sad day when Sonic outperforms Zelda (which it does, by a mile).
Metal Gear Solid: Although MGS4 was a total fan service, and an absolute joy to play, it's really only fun to play the first time around. I can't stand replaying MGS4, because everything is answered, leaving no room for interpretation, and the very end of the game ruins the entire experience. It's still a great game, but I hate replaying it, while I still enjoy replaying MGS2 and Twin Snakes.
Metroid: Metroid Prime 3 is fantastic, and my favorite of the Prime games, but I don't know if I'd say the series has gotten better, it's mostly stayed the same. I think 3-d Metroid needs some more powerful hardware in order to really improve, because the layout is still quite linear, whereas I think an open-world 3-d Metroid would really push the series forward.
Mario: I don't like Galaxy as much as Mario 64, because Mario is less acrobatic, and the gameplay is a lot easier (however, it's still quite close to Mario 64). Galaxy is still an improvement over Sunshine though, although I loved the platforming in Sunshine, the level design was too repetitive. As for NSMB? I despise it. It is boring and incredibly easy compared to Super Mario World, Super Mario Land 2, and SMB3. I constantly replay those three games, but I only needed to replay NSMB once in order to realize that it's not worth revisiting. I can't offer an opinion on NSMB Wii because I haven't played it, I do not have much interest in it after playing NSMB on the DS though.
Everyone is going to hate me for this post. |
Actually I kind of agree with you, though I haven't played MGS4 yet so I wouldn't know.