KylieDog said:
Buy the REmake and RE0 Achives games if you want full titles. People keep talking of RE4 yet ignoring these two. |
Resident Evil and Resident Evil 0 are the exact same games that appeared on GC. How can you possibly compare what I said to 2 direct ports of GameCube titles. Lets not forget a lot of core gamers who own Wiis probably already own both those titles on GameCube. It doesn't take a genius to figure out these people probably still have GC controllers/memory cards and can therefore have almost the exact same experience on Wii without buying these titles. Plus you have to remember Resident Evil 4 was released with some improvements - most notably the pointer functionality and at a time when there were few decent titles.
Back in 2007 Capcom could be forgiven for being taken off guard by the Wii (therefore rushing out a port) but now? I just don't get it. Frankly I think Capcom only have themselves to blame. This is what Nintendo RE fans have had since Wii: a modified port, a spin off on-rails shooter, a direct port, a second direct port and just to kick fans in the teeth a second spin off on-rail shooter!
I really thought after Umbrella Chronicles Capcom would remake RE2 in a similar fashion to the original titles - I just don't get why they didnt. And as someone who owns RE5 for PS3 I can honestly say I don't want a watered down version on Wii - just a genuine RE experience created for the console. I can only guess Capcom thought they could get away with cheap content and it's finally backfired.