Gamerace said:
Never mind the small studios (their going bankrupt on HD) the big studios are bleeding red on HD. Only Ubisoft (home of the casualz) and Activision (GH/WoW) are in the black and they are relying heavily on the expanded market to do so. I think Sega broke even having lost tons on their HD efforts but done well on Wii/DS. Capcom has a good year too. At the end of the day 3rd parties will either finally learn the lesson Nintendo is teaching or die in combat for the HD buck. |
I am neither agreeing with you nor disagreeing. It just happens to be a coinsidence because you mentioned Sega and Capcom and those threads showed up today:
Sega :
Time will tell but I think noone is doomed infact I think that the videogames industry showed its strength despite financial crisis.