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The PS3 has a long list of exclusive games: Gran turismo 5, God of War 3, Resistance 3, M.A.G, Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles as well as a well established games library plus the third party games coming out in 2010 including FFXIII. $299 PS3 price tag will drive PS3 sales in 2010. All PS3 exclusive games will drive PS3 sales anthrough the roof.

The Wii it has Super Mario Galaxy 2, Wii Sports 2, the ever green Wii exclusive games that keep selling with no end in sight. Wii should easily sell a minimum of 200k every week even in quiet weeks.

Any way what are your thoughts on this issue?

BTW: As for the 360 sales it could fall below 120k sales in a week due to the long awaited Natal and  next 360 price cuts due late in 2010. 360 has a good list of games but exclusive games will have little impact on 360 sales due to it being in its twilight years.