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ArcticGabe said:
OMG @ Just Dance....... lol
UBI won again

lol indeed ...

There can be no mistaking what Just Dance is, however. This isn't a case of a publisher or developer failing to understand how to build a multi-layered game or a critic falling well outside the intended audience. No, this is a way to bilk unsuspecting customers out of their money, plain and simple; an experience so devoid of depth or even basic game concepts that it would be considered a rip-off even if it was one of those Chinese knock-off systems masquerading as an existing console.

Just Dance has cobbled together 32 music tracks ranging from "U Can't Touch This" to "Hot 'N Cold" to "Pump up the Jam" to, painfully, "Who Let the Dogs Out?" (yet completely missed the obvious Lady Gaga title track?) where you grab a Wiimote and attempt to mimic the on-screen silhouette as it switches from one pre-set dance move to the next. That's it. No, really, that's all you do. There are no buttons to be pressed, no unlockables, no tiers of songs, no progression of any kind. You fire up the game, spaz out, and your motions are "graded" and you're given points. If not for the fact that there's a Last One Standing points elimination and red light/green light-style Strike a Pose derivation, there would be nothing to do but memorize the handful of moves and flail around.

Again, I'm fully aware of the fact that we as reviewers can be unfairly harsh on a game because it doesn't have the kind of depth or challenge that we expect from the high-budget efforts out there, but this simply isn't a game, not any more than finding the original music video on YouTube and dancing along to it while awarding yourself imaginary sprinkles and gumdrops for your performance. And Ubisoft has the unmitigated gall to charge poor, unsuspecting, uneducated consumers forty dollars for this? Amazing.

Closing Comments
I could try to talk about the visuals or the sound or sloppy way the game grades your dance moves, but I just don’t have the strength. It’s attention that the game, quite simply, doesn’t deserve. Do not buy this game. Do not rent this game, do not look at this game on the shelf, don’t even think about this game lest someone at Ubisoft find out and they prep a Just Dance 2. Such would be the end of all things, mark my words.

IGN Ratings for Just Dance (Wii)
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
2.0 Presentation
HAHAHAHA, “presentation.” No, there’s nothing here resembling an effort to do anything but offer a mostly-static screen with points and a gyrating series of pre-canned dance moves in silhouette.
3.0 Graphics
I suppose what’s there looks decent enough for a rather lifeless background and some varying effects, but this is not a visually impressive game by any measure.
6.0 Sound
Your tolerance of seeing the Baha Men brought back from the dead and mixed in with Blondie and The Beach Boys will directly affect how much you enjoy this game, but at least the songs sound good.
2.0 Gameplay
Attaching BS diversions like elimination or red light/green light to the same basic idea doesn’t really add variety, it only serves to remind the player that they've paid to act like an idiot.
1.0 Lasting Appeal
All songs are open from the start. There’s nothing to unlock, nothing to gain and no one to save you from beating yourself to death with your own Wiimote when this dawns on you after shelling out $40.
(out of 10 / not an average)