I guess I should rephrase what I'm saying. The PS2 winning last gen was different. It wasn't marketed as a "casual" gaming machinge, it had many more "hardcore" games. It's highest selling game wasn't a casual game but GTA, the most hated game of most of the mainstream Nintendo is seeking. My post was to point out that by the system's highest selling game being a casual one, developers may believe that casual games sell better than hardcore games (Which is true, Wii Play, Wii Sports, and if John Lucas is right, Wii Fit) which will cement that Nintendo will be seen as a casual game system by devs and then they will make casual games for the systems. I don't think that Mario, Smash, and Zelda will die, but I do think it will be a ton more casual games than now if the Wii hits those kinds of numbers and PS3 and 360 lack to grow in the wake of the Wii.