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If you people want to argue about the Wii go right ahead. But, for me, mainstream games are not interesting. I just can't get excited over wii sports. Every single game on the Wii that I might like (RPGs only pretty much, all the on rails FPS games on the Wii are shit) would have been done equally as good or better on the PS360. No argument I've seen has be able to prove otherwise, least of all those that talk about motion controls.

If motion controls are what it takes for gaming to go 'mainstream' thats fine, great even. Nintendo deserves props for once again showing how to get to number 1, both in handhelds and consoles.

But if you think that 'HD' gamers should bow down to the Wii and talk about it like its interesting, you're just as delusional as those who ignore the fact that the Nintendo now dominates the video game market. 

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.